#Kaos Astyanax
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sugarcube-stillabookworm · 5 months ago
sure i didnt have enough sad feelings about the tragic fate of astyanax of troy already why dont you add some more why dont you give him to me grown up and in love and loved just to brutally kill him as a rebel ten minutes later really why not
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There is something obscenely on brand about scrolling through the character tag for a minor character and seeing this:
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I’m the top blog on the tag.
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randomling · 5 months ago
Okay one of the many things I really like about Kaos.
(Spoilers below!)
Ariadne wants to fuck Theseus. But when she finds out he's with Nax, it's no more of a big drama than if she'd found out he was with a woman. She has a clear moment of "...oh" and she's cold with him afterwards, but that's clearly as much about the betrayal and setup as it is about her thwarted libido, though that does seem to factor into why she's hurt.
People are just allowed to be gay, without comment or judgement.
And they're also allowed to be trans. There is *no* discussion of Riddy fucking Caeneus, in the context of him being trans. *None.* No hand-wringing about what it means for Riddy's sexuality. Nothing but acceptance of who he is. We are given no more reason to believe Riddy is anything other than straight after they've had sex. (There's no particular confirmation that she's straight either, but then again there usually isn't.)
That's another nice thing - the story doesn't make Caeneus's gender about his partner or her orientation. Caeneus's gender and transition are about *him*.
I'm a gay (...iiiiish) trans man and I absolutely love this.
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sarafangirlart · 6 months ago
I think another thing that goes against Kaos as a show isn’t the writing itself but Netflix being Hellbent on making tv shows shorter and like “really long movies” where the story isn’t episodic even tho it’s cut into episodes therefore the pacing is so confusing to the point that an entire side plot isn’t brought up for a whole episode or two.
Not to mention that it makes the character interactions bare bones and bland, if you want to write relationships that aren’t canon in mythology, fine, whatever, just give me good reason to care about this couple. Supergiant’s Hades (for all its flaws) succeeds at this.
We are supposed to be sad about Prometheus and Charon separating but we literally see them as a couple for like what? Five minutes? The show doesn’t give us enough time to gaf about their relationship other than it’s “good representation” to have two old men in a relationship.
Eurydice and Caeneus have known each other for what couldn’t be more than a couple of days then see the Nothing and have their entire world view shattered then they fall in love and have sex? Only for Orpheus to be going through hell and back trying to get his wife back so how tf are we supposed to be invested in Eurydice cheating? Again the show doesn’t give us good reason to care for this couple other than its good representation.
Bruh don’t even get me started on Theseus and Astyanax, that’s the most bare bones of them all, I didn’t even catch that they were a couple until they had sex. Theseus has more screen time and chemistry with Ariadne than his supposed lover. Also stop trying to make good guy Theseus happen, it’s not going to happen.
The only fanon relationship that makes logical sense (as in within the story but as an adaptation it’s dog shit and I hate it) is Hera and Poseidon, they actually get multiple scenes and dialogue together so even if you are like me and hate to see them as a couple, it still makes logical sense for them as characters to like each other, but only if you don’t think of them as an adaptation.
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weeby-monster-the-bastard · 5 months ago
im guilty as charged i like kaos but i still hate lore olympus but at least with kaos its better written. yes as a greek mythos nerd i point out the inaccuracy because i can, it doesn't mean i don't like the show i really do i think they were cooking with dionysus being (I'm adding a label bc it helps a bit) pansexual but idk if they were cooking with theseus and Astyanax being lovers but they were DEF cooking with caeneus being played by a trans man
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forensic-b1tch-aiden · 6 months ago
Nax and Theseus were just celebrating being saved and then the people who gave them mercy just took it back and ripped Nax out of Theseus’ arms
I’m sobbing rn
I’ve never liked Posideon and this makes that dislike for him so much deeper
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ifuckedzeus · 6 months ago
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do we know why the Trojans all have a nose tattoo? is that a throwback to Homer? a historical reference? just a random way to distinguish them?
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consilio-cameos · 5 months ago
Kaos spoilers!
First, the show is so good and I'm pissed that Neflix cancelled it.
Second, I thought it was mostly a comedy show and I didn't imagine crying at Andromache and her son reunion and Nax and Theseus intimate moment to Andromache sobbing to the salvaged body of her son and the other Trojans.
Please, give Andromache and Hecuba some rest ;-;
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jeanmoreausautismstickers · 4 months ago
when I say fable applies to theseus and nax will I be thrown from the walls of my city?
"love was the law, religion was taught" literally fits them to a T
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libraryleopard · 5 months ago
today, followers, i bring you deeply self-indulgent kaos fic. tomorrow, who knows?
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sapphic-terror · 6 months ago
I’m fighting the urge to make a poly fic between Ari/Theseus/Nax bc Theseus has two hands and also Ari needs some influence to change the world. (I’ve watched four episodes of Kaos on Netflix and I love it) ((I’ll check back later to see how disastrous this idea may be)) (((I am not afraid to diverge canon so fucking much)))
*edit literally point .2 seconds later Nax is fucking dead. I’m gonna diverge canon so badly. (Plot twist they meet five years early and shit happens)
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libraryleopard · 5 months ago
i refused to be called out by someone who hasn't even read the iliad :)
callout post for @libraryleopard who has been hanging around being sad about astyanax from the illiad ever since he briefly turned up in the episode of kaos that we watched last night
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sarafangirlart · 6 months ago
I think what upsets me most about Kaos’s “fuck the gods” narrative is that it actually reduces the mortals agency rather than the other way around, yes Zeus planned for the Trojan war to happen but the Greeks and Trojans had free will, they chose what to do, they can chose to be cruel or merciful. Yes the gods can coerce or persuade them but they make the decisions, when the Greeks committed too many war crimes the gods either killed them or made their journey more difficult.
So it makes no sense that the Trojans hate the gods, we see multiple instances of Trojans worshiping them and gods helping them after the sack of Troy, if you want to show us angry vengeful Trojans (which I would love) have the Trojans taking revenge on the Greeks, have Astyanax and Andromache hunt down and kill Odysseus and Neoptolemus.
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emziess · 6 months ago
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Anonymous Requested: Astyanax and Theseus Reunion Kaos, S01E03
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kebriones · 4 months ago
What do you think about the tv show kaos on netflix? I watched on episode with my mom once and they made astyanax a full on adult thats hooking up with perseus . They made troy a neighborhood in iraklio . Like the one in krete .
I haven't watched anything from it. I've heard people saying good things and bad things about it but I know I'm not in the mindset to enjoy whatever good parts it may have right now so I just haven't watched it. I don't like the whole thing with taking mythological characters and essentially using them as marketing to get people interested in your story that completely changes everything about these characters. It's a bit like taking spiderman, changing everything about his story and personality and putting him in a movie about losing your sister to opioid addiction. You're just using spiderman as wrapping paper at that point.
Write about your own fantasy dysfunctional family of gods and make it a series, that'd be more fun, I would watch that. Anyway i have nothing to say about the series itself, I have only seen a couple screenshots and a couple people talking about it.
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sarafangirlart · 6 months ago
Nope, the Wikipedia is right they are a couple. But the show doesn’t even try to make you care about this relationship, I didn’t even know they were a couple until they had a 5 second sex scene toward the end of the episode, then they are killed off by the Minotaur. Theseus has more screen time with Ariadne than with his supposed lover.
Just to have fun, I read the Wikipedia summary of Kaos (since I'm not watching the show) and... what is this ?
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Why are Theseus and Astyanax lovers 😭 ? Is this a mistake from Wikipedia ? They have never interacted in the myths !! They are born in different eras too ! And no thematical connection.
What's up with the nonsensical relationships ? Prometheus and Charon, Hera and Poseidon Caeneus and Eurydice...
I'm 99% sure the writers just played "spin the wheel" with the relationships 😂.
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